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A email I received today 11/10/22

Hey Ro

Wow what a beautiful day today!!!

Today for the first time in 16 months I was released onto the open yard, which is as big as 2 football fields!!! :))

Today was as close to the feeling of freedom that I've experienced in the past 16 months and it was glorious!!! I had the green grass underneath my feet, weights, football, soccer and track to pick from.

I did a little of everything!! I didn't know what to do first, it was kind of overwhelming all that freedom!!!:))) it felt awesome!!! I wasn't in a cage like a dog, felt so good! They even have benches like a park all around, I sat there looking up at the sky listening to my music for a few minutes, then I ran track for 15 min, then hit the weights, threw a football!!

All I can think of is I am outside in open air without leg shackles and handcuffs... I can't wait till the day I won't have to live like this. I will forever appreciate my freedom!!! The cruelty of the prison system in America needs to change!

Putting people in tombs and not allowing them to breath fresh air for years is pure cruelty!! Lock downs in heated 95 degree rooms to where it's so hot from steam/heat pipes that you try to sleep in a puddle of your own sweat only to have sleep deprivation... good news i will never complain about any inconvenience, because nothing will beat the torment and inconvenience you go through in prison!

I will always find the bright side:)))

God is good!! I am in a phenomenal mood!!! Little by little I can taste freedom coming in the wind!!!!

God bless America!!!!

God bless this GREAT country!!!

No matter what this is the best country in the world!!!

Tell everyone I love them all!!!

Keep on loving this amazing country!!!! :)))) It's never as bad as it seems!!:)))


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