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A letter from Sam 10/11/22

Yolo!! What's up sis? Wow what a beautiful sunny warm day!!:))) Man I am in a fantastic mood!!! How's everyone feeling on this fine day? :)) Just wanted to say not everything is doom and gloom, so I wanted to give you some insight!

Check it, I am super grateful for everything and everyone! I am grateful for all the crap I've been through and I'm going through, because it's done nothing but strengthen me.:)

Man I feel good today turning 27...:)));) lol feels great!! Truth is like I always say you feel as young as you think you are... I don't use the other word, its bad ju-ju;)(old)

I've learned so much dealing with just about all the adversity you can imagine, in my lowest moments I leaned on God and he came through for me in BIG ways!

Through family, friends, signs, and a complete calm has come over me:)))

I am content! Like the saying goes

"If God is for you, who can be against you?" Ro I feel Great!!:))

I have had much time to take a deep look at life and realize they're many more perspectives then I previously knew.

It's crazy but I can't help but be super optimistic about life, I have been in hell this whole time and been in dark places mentally but nothing could/Can keep my optimistic happy go lucky spirit down, NOTHING!

All the glory be to God, he has paved the road in front of us.

What would we really be without adversity? Would we really appreciate what we have without some adversity?

Would we be able to see how rich we are without adversity? I doubt it!

This is one of the biggest reasons we get down when things don't go our way because the status quo is safe and familiar but in truth adversity simply builds on that and makes us grow to heights we never knew existed! I am in jail/prison physically but mentally I am free as a bird!!!:)))

Have an awesome day!!:))

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